Discovery Form

Our Search Engine Optimization is NOT for all businesses.

We would love to help everyone that has requested our expertise. However, we must select the clients we work with very carefully and have a reasonable set of criteria that needs to be met in order for us to proceed. We only work with a limited amount of clients at any given time to ensure maximum attention to detail and your company’s ultimate success.

We work with clients who have:

1. An Active and Healthy business already. Our services are for companies that are up and running already and simply want to move faster and reach further.

2. A steady flow of leads and customers. This means that you’re getting consistent traffic and making sales already. You’re running ads, you’re promoting, and you’re selling your services. You don’t have to be a household name necessarily but you need to be PRESENT in your market.

3. A good, solid product and a good reputation. Everything we do together will not only be bringing you more sales and profits, but we’ll be doing it in a way that creates MASSIVE goodwill in your market.
Additionally we do not work with companies in these markets:

  • Get Rich Quick Schemes
  • Adult Material
  • Start Ups
  • Multi-Level Marketing
  • Gambling

Also, we can’t work with a client who conflicts with a current client we have. We can only serve one company in each industry per city.

That’s it. Those are our requirements.

If you meet the criteria above and would like to speak with us personally about getting you incredible results, then we will happily set aside some time for you. Here’s how the process works: First, you’ll need to fill out the discovery form below.

It takes a few minutes but it’s simple and straightforward. We just need to know what you sell, get an idea of what you want to accomplish, and find the best way to get there. We will painstakingly review your goals and your offers and deliver a custom plan to increase your revenue.

Our first call or in-person meeting will be between 45 and 60 minutes.


Discovery Form

    Name (required)

    Email (required)



    Tell Us About Your Business

    Why should your customers buy from you rather than a competitor? Be specific if you have a Value Proposition.

    What is the typical sales process/cycle? EX: customer calls, then fills form, then sets appointment. Customer comes in store, consults with a salesperson and buys, etc.

    What are the short and long term goals of your company?

    What product or service would you like to sell more of?

    What is the average lifetime value of your average customer? This means what is your profit for that customer over the time he is a client. Consider if what you sell is a one-time thing. An annual purchase, monthly purchase, every 10 years, etc.

    Who is your ideal client? Be as specific as you like. Ex a 45 year old woman, married, with 2 kids and whose husband makes $75,000 or more a year. Or a conservative widower living in a rural area.

    What knowledge of SEO exists within your company?

    NoneA LittleA Lot

    Have you had previous SEO work done for your site? If so, please check the investment level.

    noneunder 500under 1000over 1000

    Please write as many keywords as you can think of that you would like to target online. (Keywords are words typed into Google that your website will be visible for. They can be single words but are ideally “keyword phrases” of 2-5 words. Ex: example “Chicago Chiropractor” “Houston flat roof repair”

    Please list radius and specific cities you would like to target. If you’re targeting national, just type in the United States.

    How many additional customers would you like to acquire a month? Please set a number.

    Are you doing any other forms of marketing. Check all that apply

    SEO (Search Engine OptimizationPPC (Pay Per Click)RTB (Real Time Bidding)Video MarketingSocial MediaOffline Print, Radio, Media

    What would you say has been your most effective advertising method?

    What would you say has been your least effective advertising method?

    Do you offer any special promotions to new customers? If so, what are they?

    Who is your competition?

    Do you have a marketing budget? What is your budget range for getting new customers?

    What is your biggest concern working with a company for online marketing?